Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Ok, so almost every single day I pick Haden up from the sitter, he wants to go to the park. Monday he asked, I said, "No, we got a bunch to do, dinner, stuff, yada, yada.."
He wasn't too happy, mumbled and grumbled....
Tuesday he asks me again to go to the park, I say, "No, we got a bunch to do, dinner, crap, blah, blah"
He wails, "Why not, I wanna go, your mean!! you know, the usual...
He then says "I want a new life!"
What??? How do you know about wanting a new life, you aren't supposed to think like that until you are an adult, until you are older like me!!!!
So I chuckle and just keep on driving....he then says, "Mommy, do you really have to get all of that stuff done?" I ponder, say hmmmm in my head and then say, "Ya know, you are right, I don't really have to get all of that stuff done, let's go to the park!"
He was quite happy...

1 I dont hate comments!:

Stitch1260 said...

You're a good mommy.l