Kemah Boardwalk -- here are the boys on some of the rides...Christian was not in a great mood, thus the binky...and it was hot, so hot...poor guy, nothing we did could make him happy, except riding the choo choo
I gotta tell ya, I am so fascinated by these stingrays at the Stingray Reef, it blows my mind how they come out of the water to get the fish..I think I could stay there all day...sigh..I knew I was meant to be a Marine Biologist...sigh
None of Kaelen as he and his bud Dalton were off running around stirring up trouble I'm sure...
Today we will be at the San Jacinto Monumnet and to follow
And soon I will get pics up of the beautiful floors...
Ill take any tips on having more energy anyone has...
DeeJae..thank you so much for the wonderful week, I had a blast and I know the boys did too...I know they enjoyed getting to spend the time with you! And I enjoyed the quiet time!
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