Tuesday, February 17, 2009

OK....I have been a bad blogger...I think the photo day BFF Pregnant K and I took has intimidated me. I just feel insecure about picture taking now, I feel guilty not doing it on manual, but manual takes too long for me to figure out! And I dont have that kind of time with the boys! I guess I just need more practice...sigh, wahhh, woe is me....

Thats my Boo-Friggity-Hoo for the day...Oh, that and I cant stop eating all of the candy in my office....

But on a good note, I love my hair!!!!

Peace out

One of my fave pics ever

2 I dont hate comments!:

Anonymous said...

im glad u went somewhere else. i would have NEVER cut ur hair that short and u would never have known you liked it!

Anonymous said...

It is better to take pictures on a setting rather than not take any at all! Especially if you are trying to take them indoors - because you will have to use the flash. Until you take a class about flash, just use the auto setting.

I do not take every single picture of mine on manual - especially if I had the camera over to Justin!