Thursday, January 15, 2009

Uh Huh, Uh Huh is my happy face, what I felt when I heard this song from so long ago on the radio this morning..actually, I was happier, but as I said before, I have a hard time getting a decent picture of myself...

It made me could it not?? This is a great song...

I stopped and got a "coffee" this morning, not sure if you would consider it that, but it did have coffee in it...

I had a pic I took at the counter, then accidentally deleted it, but it looked something like this....

Here is the end result....

While waiting in line for the glorious coffee concoction, known as a Mocha Frappe, I saw there nothing they wont cover in chocolate? Not that that is really a problem.....just sayin....

Thoughts go out to my hubby, Poppa T, who went to the dermatologist yesterday and had a mole removed from his hurts!!!! and who is having, unfortunately, to suffer though a visit to the VA, where they LOVE their veterans there...and treat them so nice... (in case you are wondering, I am saying this in a sarcastic manner).

Wiggity Wiggity Wiggity Wak at ya later....

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