Saturday, April 11, 2009

Here Comes Peter Cotton Tail...

We dyed eggs tonight...

Christian started out pretty good....

Then he just started using his hands to put the eggs in and out...and dropping them into the cup of course....

Chris had this brilliant idea...
that led to this...

Here is our final lot.....we had lots of very pretty colors...

Can't wait for the Easter bunny to come tonight and bring the boys all of that wonderful candy.....
Thanks Jill for the instructions on side by side pics....mine didnt come out the way I wanted either, but I can definitely play with it in the future...

4 I dont hate comments!:

Karen said...

So funny that you won't do play-doh but you will do this! I didn't even think about coloring eggs with B this year :) And next year, I'm sure we'll do it during a nap time for K!

Momma T said...

How can you NOT dye eggs????

Karen said...

I guess the same way that you throw away all Play-doh!

She's too young, doesn't know any different...

Becky said...

Teagan has NEVER died eggs and Zander has forgotten about asking!