Monday, February 8, 2010

Skip to my Lou...

So, today Haden and I had a senior skip day, except neither of us are seniors. I usually let the boys have a last one skip day a year. They get to do something they want, movies, fishing, whatever. Haden has been asking for one and we decided on today. It was a semi skip day for me as well, although I still did work in the afternoon.

We finally got to see Avatar. It was great, I highly recommend it, and in 3D of course. It was pretty darn good. A must see in the theater. camera got the time I thought it was ok, BUT today I noticed the lens was gone, thats right...the glass in the lens must have fell out....lovely...I can see the guts of the lens...such is my life....guess I will start looking for one of those too along with my Battery charger....

1 I dont hate comments!:

Karen said...

Happy, Happy Birthday! You should have timed that skip day better =)

Do we get to see the Valentine's movie for our next outing? That is...after this weekend.