Saturday, November 21, 2009


Tonight, my 3 nieces are spending the night so their parents can have a night out. They are so sweet, just precious to have little girls around....but put them all together, with my 3 (and yes, even the 15 year old joins in) and it gets very loud....Chris cant handle it as well as I can, I tend to tune them out like I do my own.......we had pizza and they all helped me to make cookies, which they ate within 2 minutes of them being out of the oven....and the rest of the time they all spent chasing each other around....sigh

I think I am going to have to go see New Moon again tomorrow...a friend of mine is going and invited me...I am really needing my fix, its so sad...I thought the movie was great, but do remember some cheesy parts...I really need to get another look to catch all of the details I missed the first time...

And of course, I am so behind in work, I think I will probably spend much of Sunday trying to get caught up before next week..i will be out of the office starting Wednesday, so i really need to get it together....

1 I dont hate comments!:

Karen said...

What I want to know is how you got them all asleep?! I'm glad you got your girl time in :)