Monday, October 5, 2009

Mum is the word...

Check it out....

Kaelens first Homecoming Date..

I didnt get to be there for these pics or for anything actually that night...I got these pics from Jordan's mom....I love how they each dress up for the occasion.

Kaelens whatever it is called...this was actually done very nicely

Jordan and her mum...the original version actually had a small stuffed deer glued to it..Chris kept calling it a cow. (notice she has holes in her pants)

Notice, he is wearing a plain white thin T-shirt...jeez...

I learned a few things from this Homecoming...
1) Florists will rip you off on Homecoming Mums
2) I can without a doubt make a better mum than the florist we got ours at and I am not even that crafty
3) Boys are horrible at planning ahead, very horrible
4) I didnt keep my 2 homecoming mums I got in high school...thank goodness, because I would have never lived it down
I would like to do a small album of Kaelens freshman year, but as BFF Scrappy K knows, I have said that hundreds of times and still have no albums to show for it...
Sigh, I need a wife

1 I dont hate comments!:

Becky said...

She has a point! Garters are so different than what I expected.

Yay you got pictures!!! :-)