OK, most of you know how big of a Twilight fan I am...so in case you have been living under a rock somewhere, you know the second movie, New Moon, is coming out this Friday! Yippee! I am quite excited. I am going with a co-worker and her son and am also going to bring Haden - I am taking him out of school and bringing him to work with me, as I am only working a half day and leaving from there...we are going to have tons of fun....
I was also able to borrow the CD of the soundtrack from my sister in law so I have been prepping by listening to some great new songs..I am also re-reading New Moon for the third time...I must have everything refreshed in my memory for the movie.
Since I havent been blogging very much, you havent been able to see any new pics of Robward...so here ya go..

Oh yeah, there are other people in the movie too...

2 I dont hate comments!:
Need more pictures of Quileutes! Ahem... :D
I am getting excited! My tickets are hanging on the fridge at home!
I'd be happy with more pics of Emmett :) He's NOT jail bait! lol
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