Tuesday, November 10, 2009


What is our world coming to...


What is going on with our kids..no respect, no morals, no concious? Is it parenting? Is it society? Is it violence on TV and video games? What is it that allows kids to think it is ok to gang up on someone and beat them to death? What makes kids think it is ok to take a gun to school and shoot everyone up because a few kids made fun of them? Are they not being taught coping skills? I have to know, I have to know how I can keep my boys from doing the same thing, how do I raise these boys to become respectable moral men?

As a parent of a teenager, I can't imagine him doing something like this, but I am sure these parents never imgined their son would be involved in something like this either.....I am glad these "kids" have been charged with murder and I hope they get the maximum sentence allowed by law...it is sickening and so disheartening to see young people in this country doing such horrendous things...

1 I dont hate comments!:

Becky said...

WOW... I'm floored.