Friday, November 27, 2009

Black Friday = Misery & Grief

So, after looking at the sale papers yesterday and seeing all of the great deals, I made the decision that I would do like so many others do and get up early to try to get some good deals.

Thursday night

6:00pm - make lists of what I want to get from several stores on Friday morning

7:00pm ish, go to Michaels, get a few things I saw in the ad, crown and lines minimal - drive by Best Buy and see people waiting in line and already putting up have got to be kidding me...laugh at them, wish I had my camera..

8:00ish - watch a little bit of UT/A&M game....

9:00pm - go to bed in preparation for early morning

Friday Morning
3:30 am - arrive at Toys R Us, see line out side of door, get mad (per the sale paper, it was open at midnight, so why is there a line?) See line moving and see they are letting people in in groups.....decide to wait...only wait about 10 minutes before getting into store. Pick up a few things on my list while dodging carts..wait in another line for 30 minutes in order to get into electronics...purchase a few things...

4:00pm - check out rest of items and leave...go to Kohls next door, even though had not written down anything on my list so really dont know what sales are..walk in, walk through half of store, walk out...

415-430 - go to Whataburger to get some food

430-445 - go to JC Penney to get 4 slice toaster for 9.88...see lines wrapped around store...get mad and irritated....see oversized pillow for 3.99, grab, find toaster, grab...let Kaelen convince me to buy him jacket..stand in line, see beautiful pea coat I really, really want, regularly $200.00 now $50, try it on, love it, talk myself out of it as I only brought a certain amount of money with me...tell myself may go back later and see if they still have them for that price...stand in line some more....finally check out....

530 - go to Walmart - only really want to get one thing here...walk in, almost have a heart attack as there are lines going all the way to the back of store...get more mad and irritated, do 2 trips around store and finally determine the one thing I want is gone, decide even if I found it would not stand in line for 2 hours to get it....

535ish - stop and fill up with gas, have conversation with gas attendant that Walmart was the most unbelievable thing I have ever seen...

545ish - go to Target....walk in, see long lines, get even more irritated, find a few transformers, pick up...look through 3.99 movies, have them all, go to electronics, find $10 4gb flash drive WooHoo!, find $10 Monsters and Aliens - WooHoo!...see Twilight section form a distance with Bella and Edward dolls, do not even worry about getting colser to see how much they are, find line in electronics that doesnt look as long as other lines, stand for about 20 minutes...realize this line wraps through 3 aisles and leads to register...think about whether it is worth it, decide it is not....put stuff down, go back to truck and snap at Kaelen because he wont unlock the door..realize I am extremely irritated and tired and think this is the dumbest idea I have had in a very long time....(I actually realized that a lot earlier)

630-700 ish - head home, stop at Starbucks, arrive home, turn on TV, watch Modern Family, pray Christian stays asleep for 4 more hours...

Let me just say, I have never done Black Friday in the wee hours of the morning, I have done it in the afternoon, but not in the was horrific..Toys R Us was crowded, but they didnt have most the things I wanted, JC Penney wasnt too bad in regards to crowds, the line was long but went fast, it was the least worst of them all, and I got some kind of ornament when we walked in...Target and Walmart were unreal...the lines were was the craziest thing I have ever seen...I will never, ever do that again..

I guess if you have saved up all your cash are are willing to stand in line for God knows how long in the cold and are buying everyones gifts that morning and they are all LCD TV's, then maybe, but I am not one of those people nor do I plan on being anytime soon...I will never put myself though that again or deprive myself of any precious sleep for a few measley dollars....

Total - I got a oversize pillow, a 4 slice toaster (I think the thing I am most happy about), 2 DS games for $10, a tub of sea animals for $5 and a couple of Bakugans, and a 2gb mp3/video player for $17, so, all in all it was not worth the 4 hours of sleep I missed, the few minutes I had to stand out in the cold and the frustration I experienced while I was in the store...Walmart may have traumatized me for life...

I would love to hear your Black Friday stories, good or bad!

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