OK, so today I am starting (again) a weight competition with some co-workers...I am hoping I can stick with it this time...my body is getting out of control. I am starting to get those pains in my body that only older and overweight people tend to get....I am both, so I need to try to remedy the overweight part since I can do nothing about the age part (sigh...:-( )...Pray for me.....really, pray hard....
This weekend Chris and I actually got a night out to ourselves. It was nice, I think it has literally been 6-8 months since we have done that. We ate seafood and then went home and ....and.... went to sleep...see what happens when you get old?
Get in my belly!!!
I still havent fixed my camera......I cant get anything done fast...when I think about doing something, it take about 6 weeks for me to actually do it.....Ugghhhhhh.......
This weekend was great! In addition to our night out, BFF Special K took me for a pedicure for my birthday..needed it bad, hadnt had one since before Christmas...There were still snowmen on my toes....LOL..
THEN, we went to a place called La De Da. This is a lingerie store that BFF Special K has been telling me about forever...they do bra fittings...she had hers done a while back and was so pleased with the result..got the right size bra and a style that works best for her.
So, me and my Big Uns went in and got measured.....after some denial and shame and embarassment, the girls got 2 news bras that fit wonderfully and have given them a makeover....you wouldnt recognize them....they are up where they should be! Yippee....
I would highly recommend all women get a bra fitting and not just go with what you think you are...I was way off (and not in the direction I would have liked).....I knew I wasnt in the right bra size but did not want to admit I was bigger than I really was....and I do feel better lugging them around
Here is what I walked out with....
(you think I'm kidding)
Which brings me to a story of yonder years, of back in the day when I was just a wee thing......when I was coming of age and noticed some of my older girlfriends blossoming and being so young and naiveas I was, made a wish and prayed every night, that I too could blossom there, in that place, and look like them, like a woman...with boobies...I got my wish, 10 fold.....so the lesson here is....dont wish for big boobies, you just might get them...and they arent all that, let me tell you...
When you get fitted with a bra and pay lots of money for a bra that fits you, you come out of the store looking like this! Its amazing!
If men could design a bra..... (hmmm...this looks familiar??)
So there ya go, my weekend in a nutshell..in addition to cleaning and corraling children....
1 I dont hate comments!:
This was a funny post! LOVE all the pictures :) Definitely more fun reading that than my posts without pictures...
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