Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 1

Okay, wanted to blog about my progress (if any) each day as I struggle to lose some weight....

Today didnt start out well. Didnt eat breakfast, but had some coffee. :-)

When I got to work, I hid my candy. Out of site, out of mind...

Had an apple mid morning. For lunch, I got some smoked turkey with a side of green beans and a very small salad. It held me over pretty good until it was time to go home.

Once home, I immediately changed and got on the elliptical for 20 minutes (then did some push ups).

Tomorrow I am going to try to do some calorie counting and running the stairs....Ill let you know how it goes....

Oh..forgot about my mid afternoon disaster..met with a vendor and you know what she brought? Crave cupcakes...I couldnt resist....I had some chocolate on was outstanding. But I burned it off on the elliptical..right????


1 I dont hate comments!:

Karen said...

Don't beat yourself up about the cupcake, you still had a much better day than most of your recent ones!