I have been agreeing with this guy more and more lately...at first it scared me, as he works for CNN, but now I am glad to see many on the left are starting to see the light, not the light that Obama emits, but the real light (not necessarily on this issue, but politics in general)...
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Demo (part Deux)
Finally, more pics from the demo...I know you were waiting on the edge of your seats...
The second story is now on the ground and they begin demolishing that...starting with my room. If you see any money flying around, its mine!!!
The second story is now on the ground and they begin demolishing that...starting with my room. If you see any money flying around, its mine!!!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
A Tale of Two Tickets
So a little time goes by and I do not get my inspection sticker fixed. I get my current insurance info, I get the current registration, but I do not have the time to sit for a while waiting for the inspection..I was going on Saturday but an early version of the Great Flood came our way. So come along this last Tuesday morning. I drop Haden and Christian off and head to Donna's house (my co-worker I carpool with in La Porte). When I drop off Christian, I have to go through a school zone to head torwards La Porte. Now, you know me and I tend to get distracted fairly easy...so when I saw the cop I knew instantly I had been speeding in the school zone. As I passed him, he turned in behind me and of course turned on his lights.
Me: Sigh...seriously, can my luck get any worse?
Ofc: I am officer such and such. Can I see your license and Insurance?
Me: (get license out of wallet and go to glove compartment to get valid proof of insurance - woo hoo!) I am so sorry sir, I know that area is a school zone and I drive it all the time, I was just not thinking...(big smile) (what am I wearing again??)
He was very nice and seemed to understand, then asked me about my inspection sticker.
Me: Yes, I know, I have been meaning to get it done just havent had the time, I was going to do is Saturday but the rain ya know. Hahahaha....ya know how that goes right?? Hahahahaha
Ofc: Ill be back...
Me: eye roll, sigh...ok, lets get ready to do some begging...drop some names...show some cleavage..
He comes back with the ticket..
Ofc: (asks me work, phone info)
Me: Ofc., please, can you really do me a favor and not give me this ticket? I mean, I already have got 1 ticket for the inspection sticker, could you really help me out?? PLEASE??????? (I start crying, snot running down my nose) PLEEEEAAAASSSSEEE!!!!!
Ofc: Well, I am not giving you a ticket for speeding in the school zone.
Me: Thank you! But PLEEEAASSSSEEE??? I am in Sheila's CPA class!! Ya know Sheila? I am involved in the community and love, just LOVE the Police Department?? (big smile through tears)
Ofc: Laughs out loud..You can just get this dismissed once you get the inspection taken care of.
Me: But 2 of them?? PLEEAAASSSSEEEEE?!?!?!?!?
Ofc: Uhh..well..I am sure if you talk to them, they might do both.
Me: Fine. Just give me the ticket.
Ofc: Thanks for being so cooperative!
Me: Thanks! (Really Heather, you got issues)
So, I now have 2 tickets for the inspection sticker...I am going to my best to get them both dismissed.
I have had the truck inspected since the second one, so now I will only get the tickets for speeding...which as many of you know, happens frequently with me. Have you ever heard of the Texas Dept. of Transportation Driver Responsibility Program? They can count me as a loyal member.
Me: Sigh...seriously, can my luck get any worse?
Ofc: I am officer such and such. Can I see your license and Insurance?
Me: (get license out of wallet and go to glove compartment to get valid proof of insurance - woo hoo!) I am so sorry sir, I know that area is a school zone and I drive it all the time, I was just not thinking...(big smile) (what am I wearing again??)
He was very nice and seemed to understand, then asked me about my inspection sticker.
Me: Yes, I know, I have been meaning to get it done just havent had the time, I was going to do is Saturday but the rain ya know. Hahahaha....ya know how that goes right?? Hahahahaha
Ofc: Ill be back...
Me: eye roll, sigh...ok, lets get ready to do some begging...drop some names...show some cleavage..
He comes back with the ticket..
Ofc: (asks me work, phone info)
Me: Ofc., please, can you really do me a favor and not give me this ticket? I mean, I already have got 1 ticket for the inspection sticker, could you really help me out?? PLEASE??????? (I start crying, snot running down my nose) PLEEEEAAAASSSSEEE!!!!!
Ofc: Well, I am not giving you a ticket for speeding in the school zone.
Me: Thank you! But PLEEEAASSSSEEE??? I am in Sheila's CPA class!! Ya know Sheila? I am involved in the community and love, just LOVE the Police Department?? (big smile through tears)
Ofc: Laughs out loud..You can just get this dismissed once you get the inspection taken care of.
Me: But 2 of them?? PLEEAAASSSSEEEEE?!?!?!?!?
Ofc: Uhh..well..I am sure if you talk to them, they might do both.
Me: Fine. Just give me the ticket.
Ofc: Thanks for being so cooperative!
Me: Thanks! (Really Heather, you got issues)
So, I now have 2 tickets for the inspection sticker...I am going to my best to get them both dismissed.
I have had the truck inspected since the second one, so now I will only get the tickets for speeding...which as many of you know, happens frequently with me. Have you ever heard of the Texas Dept. of Transportation Driver Responsibility Program? They can count me as a loyal member.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
I need a wife......
I really dont know why I tell people some of the things that happen in my life...it makes me look dumber than I actually am...but I do it anyway...
So....a few weeks ago, April 2 in fact, I was on my way to get a tire repaired, the day my parents house got demo'd. I was pulled over by one of our wonderful Deer Park Police Officers....now, being in this CPA class, I have met several officers, so I was praying and hoping it was one I knew. Now seriously, what really are the chances of that happening to me?
Of course, this nice officer and I had never met...
Ofc.: I am officer such and such, can I see your license and insurance please?
Me: Big smile, eye lashes fluttering, trying to recall what I was wearing to see if I could use that to my advantage (Get license out of wallet, open glove compartment to get insurance card)...Uhhhh...ooooppss...it appears I dont have current proof, I do have insurance I promise, but this card is not current (bigger smile)..sorry!! Man, I dont know how that ever happened? My kids must have taken the new one out to make paper airplanes with, you know kids, they do that kind of thing!!
Ofc.: Ma'am, did you realize your inspection sticker was expired? It expired at the end of March.
Me: Really? This one? (I point to the bottom sticker)
Ofc: Yes, and your registration is expired too.
Me: REALLY??? (I really didnt know that that one was expired)
Ofc: I'll be back (walks away)
Me: (to myself) head shake, eye roll, heavy sigh...Crap, what the heck, dang, it is only April 2...jeez...should I mention my few connections in the police dept? Oh well, it is my fault..cripes, this is too many things for me to think about, what do I look like, a walking planner, do I look like I sit around eating bon bons all day trying to figure out what else to do in a day (no need to really answer that question)? jeez...ughhhh...crap
Ofc.: (walks back many minutes later, asks phone, work info) I called and yes you do have insurance. I am going to give you a ticket for the inspection sticker only (on and on about getting it done and taking proof into the clerk for dismissal, yada, yada). Have a nice day (blah, blah)
Me: Thanks! (Why do I always say thanks?) I go along my merry way to get my tire fixed - brilliant idea pops into my head! Oh, I can get my truck inspected while I am getting my tire fixed! I am sooo smart...I love being efficient, two things at the same time! Man, I am the ultimate multi-tasker!! oh wait, you have to have proof of insurance to get an inspection, which I now know I dont have...man, I am not as smart as I thought..I sucketh...jeez...
So, I get a ticket that day. He could have given me more, heck, he could have arrested me!! How many laws can I violate in one traffic stop? Could thing I didnt have my bottle of vodka with me or my stash of pot. No biggie, I will get it done, take it in, pay $10 bucks for court cost and move along...could have been worse right? Not to mention when I went to get my tire fixed, OF COURSE, it cant be repaired and I have to get a new one...AND they didnt have tthe tire there..so they have to go get one from somewhere else...yada, yada...I go outside and fall asleep on the sidewalk..this is my life...just think of what it would be like without meds!!!
The story does not end here....there is more....
So....a few weeks ago, April 2 in fact, I was on my way to get a tire repaired, the day my parents house got demo'd. I was pulled over by one of our wonderful Deer Park Police Officers....now, being in this CPA class, I have met several officers, so I was praying and hoping it was one I knew. Now seriously, what really are the chances of that happening to me?
Of course, this nice officer and I had never met...
Ofc.: I am officer such and such, can I see your license and insurance please?
Me: Big smile, eye lashes fluttering, trying to recall what I was wearing to see if I could use that to my advantage (Get license out of wallet, open glove compartment to get insurance card)...Uhhhh...ooooppss...it appears I dont have current proof, I do have insurance I promise, but this card is not current (bigger smile)..sorry!! Man, I dont know how that ever happened? My kids must have taken the new one out to make paper airplanes with, you know kids, they do that kind of thing!!
Ofc.: Ma'am, did you realize your inspection sticker was expired? It expired at the end of March.
Me: Really? This one? (I point to the bottom sticker)
Ofc: Yes, and your registration is expired too.
Me: REALLY??? (I really didnt know that that one was expired)
Ofc: I'll be back (walks away)
Me: (to myself) head shake, eye roll, heavy sigh...Crap, what the heck, dang, it is only April 2...jeez...should I mention my few connections in the police dept? Oh well, it is my fault..cripes, this is too many things for me to think about, what do I look like, a walking planner, do I look like I sit around eating bon bons all day trying to figure out what else to do in a day (no need to really answer that question)? jeez...ughhhh...crap
Ofc.: (walks back many minutes later, asks phone, work info) I called and yes you do have insurance. I am going to give you a ticket for the inspection sticker only (on and on about getting it done and taking proof into the clerk for dismissal, yada, yada). Have a nice day (blah, blah)
Me: Thanks! (Why do I always say thanks?) I go along my merry way to get my tire fixed - brilliant idea pops into my head! Oh, I can get my truck inspected while I am getting my tire fixed! I am sooo smart...I love being efficient, two things at the same time! Man, I am the ultimate multi-tasker!! oh wait, you have to have proof of insurance to get an inspection, which I now know I dont have...man, I am not as smart as I thought..I sucketh...jeez...
So, I get a ticket that day. He could have given me more, heck, he could have arrested me!! How many laws can I violate in one traffic stop? Could thing I didnt have my bottle of vodka with me or my stash of pot. No biggie, I will get it done, take it in, pay $10 bucks for court cost and move along...could have been worse right? Not to mention when I went to get my tire fixed, OF COURSE, it cant be repaired and I have to get a new one...AND they didnt have tthe tire there..so they have to go get one from somewhere else...yada, yada...I go outside and fall asleep on the sidewalk..this is my life...just think of what it would be like without meds!!!
The story does not end here....there is more....
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Hail to the Earth
You know one of the things I really love???

Its a great place, the best in the universe by far....at least that I have been to...I like to think I do my part to help make this wonderfully blue planet a great place to live, but I also know I dont do as much as I should...
And please DO NOT mistake me for a crazy tree-hugging, Global Warming, save the Polar bear psychotic..I am not!!! I do not necessarily believe the "Climate Change"religion hype that goes on these days..I do believe though, we should do what we can to keep the air and the water clean for the generations to come. Here is what I do:
Things I don't do to help our wondrous planet:

What about you, what do you do? I need more ideas...as I am not getting rid of my SUV, the kids, maybe, but not the SUV...:-)

Its a great place, the best in the universe by far....at least that I have been to...I like to think I do my part to help make this wonderfully blue planet a great place to live, but I also know I dont do as much as I should...
And please DO NOT mistake me for a crazy tree-hugging, Global Warming, save the Polar bear psychotic..I am not!!! I do not necessarily believe the "Climate Change"
- I recycle paper
- I recycle electronics
- I use the squiggly lightbulbs
- I do my best to limit the energy consumption in our home - dont run A/C as much, when I do I keep it as high as possible without being flogged by the other inhabitants of the house
- I carpool
- I do my best to limit water consumption in our home - I make all 3 kids take a bath together (lol...not all just the oldest and the youngest..kidding again..I do make the two youngest though sometimes)
- I wait extra long to change my wiper blades, thus less plastic goes into landfills
- I make my kids mow the grass with their hands, thus using less gas...(just joking on this, although that may be a good idea)
- I use Freecycle, that way someone else can use the things I no longer want and I may find something I need without having to purchase it
Things I don't do to help our wondrous planet:
- I drive an SUV..because
- I have a litter of kids
- I use disposable diapers (its time to use the potty Christian!)
- I am overweight (see here...FREAKS!)
- I dont recycle the other stuff - glass, plastic aluminum
Anyway, there are other things I know I dont do, much I dont do...but I try...

What about you, what do you do? I need more ideas...as I am not getting rid of my SUV, the kids, maybe, but not the SUV...:-)
The Corn Dog Story (reason #6,433 and 6,434 I am a bad mother)
So on the day of the torrential downpour and flooding across the city (Saturday), I loaded the heathens into the family gas guzzler and headed towards Mont Belvieu to drop off the Walking Attitude with my MIL...I had originally attempted to get rid of all of the heathens by splitting them up amongst the many grandparents...my plan did not work...oh well, one is better than none.....
So, it wasnt raining THAT bad when we left the house, no where near flooding or anything like that. By the time we got to my MIL's house, it was coming down much harder..we hung out a while but the rain did not cease....I decided we were going to leave anyway as I had a plan to stop at one of the drive thru Starbucks on the way back as I was jonesing for some caffeine and chocolate(# 6,433)...
Once on the road, it was obvious pretty quickly that it was raining REALLY hard, I had trouble seeing, my wipers need replacing, there was high water in many places....I dont really worry about that as I can get through it all...but still not a great idea to be out in this...
I decided to forego the detour to get to a Starbucks..and stopped at a Sonic along our route instead (they have a pretty yummy Java Chiller Mocha) I relented and got some food for the remaining heathens in addition to the drinks. After our Sonic stop, we headed back out..it was still pouring and I hit many areas of high water...I did drive much slower than usual, as many of you may know my tendancy to drive above the speed limit the majority of the time, rain or not...we finally made it back home where I again passed much high water as many of the streets around our neighborhood flood, but ours does not....
Haden ate most of his lunch, Christian did not, he was being picky that day...it was a corn dog for petes sake..what kid doesnt like a corn dog and fries...
Fast forward to Monday morning...I load the kiddos in the car and head to drop them off at their respective destinations...after dropping Haden off at school, I head to the sitters and hear some smacking coming from Christian in the back..I ask him what are you eating and turn to see him finishing off the corn dog (#6,434)..I freak and tell him to drop it, which he does, but not after he has eaten a two day old hot dog..ughhhhh...great, wonderful..I dont know what he can pick up from that, but whatever it is I am sure he will get it...so I fess up to the sitter what he has done and ask her to keep a look out for the projectile vomiting and diahrrea I am sure is on its way....
sigh...I laugh and cry at this story, I cant decide what to do....
I really DID mean to clean out the truck this weekend as it is my week to drive in the car pool..but of course, I did not...and lucky for all....Christian has exhibited no signs of becoming deathly ill from the nasty ass corndog...ONE good reason for the mass amounts of preservatives in our food....
#6433 - taking children out in bad weather in order to satisfy my own wants
#6434 - leaving food in the truck for my children to eat at later date
So, it wasnt raining THAT bad when we left the house, no where near flooding or anything like that. By the time we got to my MIL's house, it was coming down much harder..we hung out a while but the rain did not cease....I decided we were going to leave anyway as I had a plan to stop at one of the drive thru Starbucks on the way back as I was jonesing for some caffeine and chocolate(# 6,433)...
Once on the road, it was obvious pretty quickly that it was raining REALLY hard, I had trouble seeing, my wipers need replacing, there was high water in many places....I dont really worry about that as I can get through it all...but still not a great idea to be out in this...
I decided to forego the detour to get to a Starbucks..and stopped at a Sonic along our route instead (they have a pretty yummy Java Chiller Mocha) I relented and got some food for the remaining heathens in addition to the drinks. After our Sonic stop, we headed back out..it was still pouring and I hit many areas of high water...I did drive much slower than usual, as many of you may know my tendancy to drive above the speed limit the majority of the time, rain or not...we finally made it back home where I again passed much high water as many of the streets around our neighborhood flood, but ours does not....
Haden ate most of his lunch, Christian did not, he was being picky that day...it was a corn dog for petes sake..what kid doesnt like a corn dog and fries...
Fast forward to Monday morning...I load the kiddos in the car and head to drop them off at their respective destinations...after dropping Haden off at school, I head to the sitters and hear some smacking coming from Christian in the back..I ask him what are you eating and turn to see him finishing off the corn dog (#6,434)..I freak and tell him to drop it, which he does, but not after he has eaten a two day old hot dog..ughhhhh...great, wonderful..I dont know what he can pick up from that, but whatever it is I am sure he will get it...so I fess up to the sitter what he has done and ask her to keep a look out for the projectile vomiting and diahrrea I am sure is on its way....
sigh...I laugh and cry at this story, I cant decide what to do....
I really DID mean to clean out the truck this weekend as it is my week to drive in the car pool..but of course, I did not...and lucky for all....Christian has exhibited no signs of becoming deathly ill from the nasty ass corndog...ONE good reason for the mass amounts of preservatives in our food....
#6433 - taking children out in bad weather in order to satisfy my own wants
#6434 - leaving food in the truck for my children to eat at later date
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
The Stars at Night are Big and Bright.....
Today is San Jacinto day!! Woo Hoo!! Makes me proud to be a Texan, born and bred! Can I get a Yee-Haw???!??!?!?!?!
At the San Jacinto Monument, they have a neat little movie they made to show leading up to the battle and the battle itself. Its a great story, I highly recommend it!
If this guy were around during that time, I am sure he would have fought for the good guys (Texans, of course), but he wasnt born until 1901....
At the San Jacinto Monument, they have a neat little movie they made to show leading up to the battle and the battle itself. Its a great story, I highly recommend it!
If this guy were around during that time, I am sure he would have fought for the good guys (Texans, of course), but he wasnt born until 1901....

Saturday, April 18, 2009
This weather has really done me in today...I am soo tired today, more tired than I can remember in a long time....barely able to keep my eyes open...anyway, here are more pics from Easter...
I left this picture out of the last post...Christian exposing himself...
After church we went to Chris' moms...the only pics I got were a few outside near the pond before my battery died....
I left this picture out of the last post...Christian exposing himself...
Friday, April 17, 2009
The Boys getting their baskets...
The Easter Bunny hid some eggs in the living room....
I tried to get a good pic of them together all dressed up nice...
When we got to the church, they also had an egg hunt...Christian was acting odd, not wanting to hunt and doing his new stance....
This is Kaelen (of course) I wanted to get this pic of him because he was showing off for a girl and was wearing my fuchia flower ring, it is on his pinky...of course I couldnt get a good enough picture to be able to blackmail him with in the future...
It was a very busy day..we went to Chris' mom after church...more pics to come
BFF Special Awesome K has scored 3 tickets to the NKOTB concert in July!!! This time it is at Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion (ughhh) and our snooty selves DO NOT want to sit on the lawn...so she got us covered seats!!!! It will be great! How fun to get to see them again so close together and with almost the same group! We are minus 1. It will be Karen, her sister Becky and myself. Can't Wait! Thanks Karen for doing this for us!
Revel in this....

Thursday, April 16, 2009
A while back...
Because I now have 2 memory cards, I will never get it right...I will not have the one I need, the other with the pictures I want (like Easter) will be at the house and I am at work with some time to blog...
These are from Spring Break..
One of the boys fave places to go - Sylvan Beach in La Porte...not sure why they call it a beach, because its not a nice sandy beach like you would think. Its actually kinda nasty...anyway..
Here the boys are throwing a BIG rock...

Here is Christian experiencing his OCD as always when he gets near a puddle or any body of water for that matter...size doesnt matter in this case...puddle, ocean, whatever, its all good....
Throwing rocks and not stopping...recall 5 hour rock throwing event at New Braunfels
These are from Spring Break..
One of the boys fave places to go - Sylvan Beach in La Porte...not sure why they call it a beach, because its not a nice sandy beach like you would think. Its actually kinda nasty...anyway..
Here the boys are throwing a BIG rock...
Here is Christian experiencing his OCD as always when he gets near a puddle or any body of water for that matter...size doesnt matter in this case...puddle, ocean, whatever, its all good....
Throwing rocks and not stopping...recall 5 hour rock throwing event at New Braunfels
..in the background is a big pier you could fish off of...doesnt look like they are going to repair it after the hurricane...cheap bastards...it cant cost that much to fix, its just a pier..

WHY DOESNT ANYONE EVER LISTEN TO ME?? Seriously, do I have an annoying voice??
Haden climbing out on the rock to catch some litter (dont people know not to Mess with Texas...you had better appreciate us, you never know when we may secede...ahh..but that is just a dream)...I kept telling him no and he did it anyway...story of my life...
This walking attitude (aka Kaelen) wont let me take a picture of him anymore, so I have to get them from a distance....
Here is a picture of some guy..I dont know who he is
" You really shouldnt have said that, spider monkey."
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Tax Day
If you can make it, PLEASE try to get to a Tea Party in your area:
Here’s a list of the local Tax Day Tea Parties:
• HOUSTON Jones Plaza Downtown Houston 4 p.m.-7:30 p.m.
• SUGAR LAND Sugar Land Town Square 6 p.m.-9 p.m.
• THE WOODLANDS Rob Fleming Park Creekside Village 6055 Creekside Forest Dr. 5 p.m.-9 p.m.
• FRIENDSWOOD Centennial Park 2200 Friendswood Dr 5 p.m. -7 p.m.
• PEARLAND Independence Park 3919 Liberty Drive Noon
Also, there is going to be a huge one at the Alamo in San Antonio
No matter your opinion of our president, I am sure we can all agree that the government is spending too much money and is getting way too big way too fast.
"A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take everything you have." - Barry Goldwater
Here’s a list of the local Tax Day Tea Parties:
• HOUSTON Jones Plaza Downtown Houston 4 p.m.-7:30 p.m.
• SUGAR LAND Sugar Land Town Square 6 p.m.-9 p.m.
• THE WOODLANDS Rob Fleming Park Creekside Village 6055 Creekside Forest Dr. 5 p.m.-9 p.m.
• FRIENDSWOOD Centennial Park 2200 Friendswood Dr 5 p.m. -7 p.m.
• PEARLAND Independence Park 3919 Liberty Drive Noon
Also, there is going to be a huge one at the Alamo in San Antonio
No matter your opinion of our president, I am sure we can all agree that the government is spending too much money and is getting way too big way too fast.
"A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take everything you have." - Barry Goldwater
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Here Comes Peter Cotton Tail...
We dyed eggs tonight...

Christian started out pretty good....

Then he just started using his hands to put the eggs in and out...and dropping them into the cup of course....
Can't wait for the Easter bunny to come tonight and bring the boys all of that wonderful candy.....
Christian started out pretty good....
Then he just started using his hands to put the eggs in and out...and dropping them into the cup of course....
Here is our final lot.....we had lots of very pretty colors...
Can't wait for the Easter bunny to come tonight and bring the boys all of that wonderful candy.....
Thanks Jill for the instructions on side by side pics....mine didnt come out the way I wanted either, but I can definitely play with it in the future...
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