I know you are anxiously awaiting more photos of the house demo, but like the airhead I am, I left my memory card in the converter in my computer at work...so I dont have the photos....
I also dont have memory card for my camera to take any pictures this weekend..ya know..for Easter...so...I also have no idea how much a new one would cost....my memory card is pretty big, a thick perfect square..not a small one like I see in the newer cameras so I am hoping it is available somewhere...
anyway...today had been pretty much a lounging day..I cleaned the kitchen and did a few loads of laundry..the boys played in the water some and Christian has done a lot of tantrum throwing...Chris got to leave early from work..as it was slow..if you can believe that..so that has been our day...our a/c is on the fritz so it hasnt been to pleasant today until this evening when it cooled down some...yada yada.blah blah blah..
I know most of you dont follow all of the twilight blogs out there, but I do of course...here are a new pics of Roberto/Eduardo from the set of New Moon ...(i tried to put more up but for some reason they wont copy)

2 I dont hate comments!:
That's a compact flash card and they still make them for a lot of the DSLRs so you should be able to find it no problem. Prices on all those disks are getting super low priced lately too.
Thanks Em, it is sad i didnt know what it was called...
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