Wednesday, July 7, 2010

"What's Up" Wednesday

Wow, we have been busy.

I couldnt move the pictures for some reason, so this is kind of out of order.

Here is Christian at Chuck E Cheese...feeling pretty good.
On Tuesday, we went to Kemah Boardwalk...I LOVE the sting rays, here are some pics of us feeding them...I wish I could have a tank of them in the backyard


Haden on one of the rides...

Boys on the train!

I got Christian to the dentist on Tuesday..he definitely fractured one of the roots and the other is pretty close to being fractured....he will more than likely lose the one tooth, possibly both....

You can see some blood on his lower lip...

Good thing the dentist office has arcade games (Ms. Pac Man and Donkey King...I love it!) and a train that goes through all of the rooms....very good distraction for the kids

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