1) My ass is bigger than I thought
2) I need to buy a new pair of althletic shoes
3) People will wear the craziest things
4) There are men (albeit not heterosexual) that will wear fake eyelashes
5) Exercise is the key to my weight loss (this is the third week of weigh in and I had not lost 1 pound...today, I lost 2....I ate like normal, meaning I ate whatever I wanted and how much ever I wanted and drank lots of coffee, but walked 3 miles on Saturday and still lost 2 pounds)
6)Getting up before 7 is for the birds, but not for me
7) Boobs no longer are sacred or hold any mystic...talking about boobs is like talking about a limb or our face...
Thanks to everyone who donated to my team!
1 I dont hate comments!:
I promise I am not stalking your blog - I had google reader open!
That is awesome! Seriously! 2 pounds?! Imagine if you could do that a couple times a week?! And not starve yourself and have to post pix of manatees! Albeit CUTE manatees... How long did 3 miles take you?
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