Thursday, October 15, 2009

I always feel like somebodys watching me...

So last night, just walking through the house, I look down and see this...freaked me out a little, not often you see a pile of money with googley eyes...I took a pic

Got a close up..very odd

Couldnt catch it, it jumped to the floor...

Haden caught it with the fish tank net

He caught it!...and I didnt even have to call Geico...

LOL...real story....I bought some sticky eyeballs for Halloween..immediately, Haden thought we needed some money to put them on...I posted about the song while back

I had to run an errand so I stopped at Walmart and got some play money, then came home and we created the Geico money....Haden loved mad when I wouldnt let him take it to school with him this morning...

I wish that stack of money was real money

I thought it was funny..again, goes to show they all watch way too much TV.

3 I dont hate comments!:

Becky said...

That looks like it was a lot of fun!

Karen said...

This is hilarious! Those eyes are kinda freaky.

Mindi said...

haha! I love it! I'll have to make some for my husband. :)