Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sigh....Why is it that no matter what, I never seem to catch up and life always feels in chaos.

-- Unimaginable loads of laundry
-- House dirty
-- Toys everywhere
-- Radiator Leak
-- 430.00 electric bill
-- Dirty Truck
-- Smudgy glasses
-- Overload at Work
-- Blah, Blah, Blah

I try not to usually complain...most stuff slides off of me...just venting

And I know so many others out there have more to complain about and I do have a lot to be grateful for...but if anyone knows of a free maid...let me know!

2 I dont hate comments!:

Becky said...

I feel your pain! :-)

Anonymous said...

Your children are your free maids! Get to work training