So it is Sunday night, 11:30...I am up doing some work online and all of a sudden the program I am in freezes...I am unable to get out of the program to try to restart it...I use Control Alt Delete...I do all kinds of things and I call our Help desk and am waiting for them to call me back...oh what to do in the meantime...
How about another post of future blackmail photos of my favorite thing to blog about...
These are so good I can hardly stand it.....

Then he eats it!!! I Love it!!!!

Of course we bust out laughing when he did it the first time so he kept doing it over and over until we made him stop...

It never ends here at Casa Tyson....
Help me so I can finish and go to bed!!!
1 I dont hate comments!:
Working that late? On a Sunday? And the help desk has people working, too? Geez...
You are getting quite the collection of embarassing photos for Christian...maybe you should make a photo book of them all!
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