Many of you may not know....I have this "thing" about escalators. I ride them, but they give me the heeby jeebys....i literally get stomach butterflies when i see people running/walking up/down them...i get extremely paranoid if they are very high...i usually will try to find an elevator if they are broken and you have to climb up or down them..they can make me dizzy..just thought i wouls share....I passed these at the new shops near the building and thought I would share my freakiness
my worst experience ever was in DC when we were riding the metro and had to ride up these....i literally could not look up or down...we had the boys and I was petrified they were going to fall or something...these things seemed to literally almost be at a 90 degree angle...

2 I dont hate comments!:
LOL You must have been freaking out that night at the concert!
heh, we love them.. and ride them even if we dont need to go to the 2nd floor
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