Thanksgiving was good, we had the family over at our house. My mom and my mom in law brought so much food, I really appreciate it!! I only cooked the turkey and some green bean casserole! I felt bad!! But the turkey turned out really good....Kaelen was a big help, he helped inject it and baste it.
I didnt do too bad on my diet. I have lost 8 pounds since my doctors visit, and didnt gain any over Thanksgiving, so I am pretty happy.
We got some family time this weekend, Poppa T and I took the boys to see Bolt, it was cute, but I would have much preferred to see
We did not venture to 1 store this whole weekend, which is the way I like it. The savings are not worth it to me, nor is the possibility of getting trampled or shot. Headlines like that make me soooo mad. Is a friggin cheap laptop or TV really worth it? I mean come on people. Unfortunately, this is what our society has become. Possessions seem to be more important and life or the feelings of other people. What is the true meaning of the season again? It seems most of us have forgotten.
All in all, it was a pretty good holiday. I must admit, I am not looking forward to the chaos soon to come in the next few weeks, especially since I have not purchased one gift. Sigh...such is life.
I should have pics in my next post, but in the meantime, here is a sneak peek for the grandparents of some pics to come, taken by the best photographer ever.
2 I dont hate comments!:
totally agree.. best photog ever.. LOL
that is funny!
Love the Xmas tree background :)
If you had a could borrow my lenses :p
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