Last Sunday we went to the Armand Byou Nature center for their Fall Festival...The weather was amazing and the kids loved it....BFF Resourceful K and Brooke invited was a lot of fun.
Haden practicing to be a farmer

BFF Lucky K won at the cupcake walk they had....

Kiddos petting the bunnies....

Haden was so careful with the baby chick

But not so careful on the pier

As usual, Christian became OCD about rocks....he would collect them off of the road...

And then place them in the stroller, he had quite a collection by the end of the day....luckily, we were near a body of water and he got to throw them...
Oh look, a meltdown right in the middle of the see these so rarely these days...

1 I dont hate comments!:
hadens face is already cleared up..
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