More foosball.....Kaelen is #72

The score when I got there...(Poor sign was a victim of IKE like the rest of us)

Dont let the smile fool you......

Smiles after a 27-0 win....

Haden checking out the cheerleaders
My fave....this really brings back the memories...the Deer Park High School Marching band was was cool, they sounded pretty good...

Here is them having to do push-ups because the band director didn't think they were doing good enough...I dont remember us having to do push ups, but we got plenty of grief when we messed up...

I want to go to the Friday night games so I can see there whole performance...
2 I dont hate comments!:
We were forced to stand at attention for LONG periods of times. Good times, Good times!
we always say we are going to the friday night games.. and never make it.. ;(
the line to get in is a mile long though...
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