Hello all! Hope all is well....
Life on our end has been busy as usual....For those who didnt know, Chris started a new job and has been working right about a month now..
Work for me is incredibly busy and there is not enough time in the day too get it all done...
The boys are doing well in school..except maybe for Kaelen who thinks he is the smartest teenager who ever walked the planet and doesnt have to pay attention or even pass for that matter....
Haden finished up soccer, here are a few pics of his last game (Thanks Vivian!)

Christian eating a hot dog...
Me and Chris (good god, someone please take these boobs away from me!)
Kaelen being cool (too cool for anything)
On another note, I am going to try to get a seasonal job for the next few months..I have applied at Target (which is really about the only place I have any desire to apply). If you know of anywhere else that is hiring for the holidays (besides Walmart), let me know! I am a glutton for punishment thinking I can handle one more thing, but such is life.