This is Brooke, she is only 1 week older than Christian..they are going to get married someday, this is what Katie and I have decided at least
This is Andrew - Drew - he is 4 months (?)
Katie and a really cute baby (I want one!)
Happy Cute baby
Haden in the pool
Bubba in the pool
Little Ms. Brooke, this girl is brave, she just jumped right in with this life vest on..
Brothers playing..
While we were at the pool, Daddy Cliff arrived home from work, a very long grueling day at the office....ya know there is a war going on right?
Look at my shoe..I think there is water in it...
Ummm...I am thirsty, let me drink it, it looks yummy
Got to get down in there deeper to get all of it
I little bit later, we got ready and traveled to the Riverwalk...
Story later about the glasses...
Cliff and that really cute baby again...
The Alamo
Boys in front of the Alamo...GOD BLESS TEXAS!
Cliff and Katie were unbelievable..he has this back carrier
and she has this front carrier...I dont know how they do it, but they do it all the time! It hurt my back just watching them! Is this hat pink? What kind of self-respecting marine would let his son wear a pink hat!!
Haden in front of Alamo
Kaelen mingling with the natives
Brooke petting the horse, what you dont see are pics of before hand when there was NO way she was touching that horse...
Haden being brave
The gang
OK, so we stopped and got ice cream before we left..they had a machine that spits out eggs with prizes..we got some red lips....Christian decided to eat his ice cream with the lips...
Drew just being cute (I want one!)