Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Ok, so almost every single day I pick Haden up from the sitter, he wants to go to the park. Monday he asked, I said, "No, we got a bunch to do, dinner, stuff, yada, yada.."
He wasn't too happy, mumbled and grumbled....
Tuesday he asks me again to go to the park, I say, "No, we got a bunch to do, dinner, crap, blah, blah"
He wails, "Why not, I wanna go, your mean!! you know, the usual...
He then says "I want a new life!"
What??? How do you know about wanting a new life, you aren't supposed to think like that until you are an adult, until you are older like me!!!!
So I chuckle and just keep on driving....he then says, "Mommy, do you really have to get all of that stuff done?" I ponder, say hmmmm in my head and then say, "Ya know, you are right, I don't really have to get all of that stuff done, let's go to the park!"
He was quite happy...

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Daddy T...

So there hasnt been much mention of the man of the house on this blog yet...well, that is going to change....
Daddy T (aka Chris) it seems is a closet carpenter, it seems he can build all kinds of stuff out of thin air with wood, no plan, just an idea....
He built a good size doghouse, he built this nifty little fishing pole holder, he built this neat contraption in the garage that holds our large garbage bags we get form the city and his latest project....

He has taken on the huge task of building a deck out our back door....he DOES have a plan for this though, since it is so big...he is little by little going to build us this neat deck where we can entertain. BBQ eat outside, etc...I cant wait!

Here is another pic of Daddy T with some co-workers, this is the clothes we mostly see him in

And sorry, I cant figure out how to flip the pic.....

Dont drink the water!

We have a couple of small (very small) blowup pools. The boys have fun..the green one is a frog pool, its quite cute...

Of course, this one gets distracted by other things, he wanted to put rocks into the dogs water bowl and then play in that water...he like to do this in the house as well with the dogs food and water bowls

And many have not seen the latest addition to our family....this is Buddy...he is a sweet dog, but very large and he pants a bunch, he is a lot more to handle than the little ones we have had for so long...he is an adjustment, that is for sure..he is growing on me though....

Friday, July 25, 2008

Toy Story 3

Not everyone knows about Hadens little friend "Dots". You can somewhat see him in this photo, but it is his stuffed turtle. He loves him, he talks to him, sleeps with him, lets him eat with us, keeps him in the bathroom with him when he takes a shower, etc, etc...

Well, yesterday we were in the car and out of no where he says "Mommy, I prayed to God for Dots to talk and he wont!! Why not????"

I, of course, laughed out loud but not too ridiculously and tried to think of some good reason why Dots wasn't holding conversations with us yet. I said "Well, we can pray to God about whatever we want, but that doesn't always mean he is going to answer our Prayers."

"Why not?"

Arghh.. "Well, he may not think that is what we need in our lives at that time." He moaned and groaned for a few more minutes but then found some candy in the back street and was distracted.

I love my Haden so, he is such a Momma's boy....

He loves Starbucks (I get him choc milk, not espresso)
He loves Target and pretty much all shopping (my little man!)
He is always asking me if we can go stay in hotel rooms, cracks me up.
He likes to take pictures....I think he may be due for a small digital camera for Christmas..

I love that little dude...I don't know what I am going to do when he doesn't want my hugs or kisses or doesn't wanting me doing everything for him....:(

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

No More...

OK, do my fourth post for the day (not much going on at work)....

My sweet husband took the initiative to start cleaning the garage today, which we have done countless times since we moved into this house, it always seems to re-clutter..and seriously, its not all my fault...So I found tons of CD's I havent seen in years...I was very excited...

I found this site.... can swap your CD's DVD's and books for others that you want but dont already have, all you have to do is pay shipping, which is I have spent my evening entering the CD's I dont want...over the weekend I gathered a bunch of books...its awesome, you should really check it out....takes a little time, some would rather just trash them or send them to Goodwill, but I think it is a good idea and I am doing my part to be green (but not crazy radical green, those people irritate me).

So I bid thee goodnight, even though maybe 1-2 people actually read this blog, it makes me feel good to think other people are reading and interested, makes me feel special...

Momma T

Neat New Site....

Since I have begun blogging, I have been looking at tons of other blogs out there, you wouldnt believe it, it is quite amazing how many people have blogs and all of the awesome products they sell (or give-away!) Here is one I ran across today that is pretty neat..

Hope you enjoy!

Momma T

3 Days..

It is so close....ever since X-files went off of the air, I have missed these guys..but this Friday they are back!

The Truth is out There...

A friend mentioned wanting to go see it, so I think we may try to go Friday....

I can't wait to see you again Mulder and Scully....

Just pics....

Flasher in training....

"What was I thinking??" - Memaw

Seriously, stop with the camera already... He used to squinch his eyes waiting for the flash when I took pics, now he sees the camera and immediately says "No, Mommy!!"

I am a Fat Lazy Meerkat... I hope to be famous someday like my cousins that made it to Hollywood....

Here are some pics that Haden took..just thought I would share a few....

Some more of Christian's temper tantrums...

Monday, July 21, 2008

Random thoughts

  • The days of mass tort are over....oh well, good while it lasted
  • People who run all the time, just for fun and stuff are weird
  • I think Catholicism is cool...maybe I should convert
  • I love my laminate
  • I need to buy some Dexatrim
  • I want to take cool pictures like Tasha
  • Is Katie Holmes really under the Scientological spell of Tom Cruise or does she really like being married to him?
  • Why do Cafe Mochas have to be fattening?
  • I want a big LCD monitor like i have at work...

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sunday we went over to the Sno Cone place, it was great cuz there wasnt a line!

Thats kind of a freaky tongue....Gene Simmons like....

I want one of these in my backyard...

Real life begins again

Sigh, after 12 days off, I have to go back to work and prepare for a trial that will never happen...not looking forward to that....

Here are pics from our trip to the San Jacinto Monument and Battleship..I havent been to the Monument in about 100 years, so it was interesting as I am more interested in history than I was when I was little...

View from the top

Trying to look out the binocular thingeys

I am having fun...

This picture illustrates Christian's mood pretty much the whole week....

Manning the guns

Friday, July 18, 2008


OK, I am a slacker I know, but I am so tired..... Why? I dont is a little ridiculus that I am this tired.fairly young......Monday - Zoo and Museums, Tuesday Schlitterbahn, Wednesday - Kemah Boardwalk (and I actually had to go into work for a little bit), Thursday - Nothing, but I did do some things around the house and vegged some, still tired though..I need some energy pills or something, actually losing about 45 pounds wouldnt hurt either... Here is a pic from Schlitterbahn, I only got one on my camera as everything else was in the water, I got a disposable waterproof camera that I will get developed someday...

Kemah Boardwalk -- here are the boys on some of the rides...Christian was not in a great mood, thus the binky...and it was hot, so hot...poor guy, nothing we did could make him happy, except riding the choo choo

I gotta tell ya, I am so fascinated by these stingrays at the Stingray Reef, it blows my mind how they come out of the water to get the fish..I think I could stay there all day...sigh..I knew I was meant to be a Marine Biologist...sigh

None of Kaelen as he and his bud Dalton were off running around stirring up trouble I'm sure...

Today we will be at the San Jacinto Monumnet and to follow

And soon I will get pics up of the beautiful floors...

Ill take any tips on having more energy anyone has...

DeeJae..thank you so much for the wonderful week, I had a blast and I know the boys did too...I know they enjoyed getting to spend the time with you! And I enjoyed the quiet time!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Vaca - Monday - Zoo

What a busy week it is going to be...Memaw took the boys to the zoo for starters, here are a few highlights

Prairie dog in training
My first drink from a water fountain
Big Bubbas...
First Petting Zoo experience...
The Elephants were out, Christian was very excited
Always a favorite, Sea Lions
This Toucan was gorgeous
The Zebras were cool too..

Another amazing site
I want to be a prairie dog...