Thursday, June 30, 2011

Budget this...

OK, I just started a budget last week. And yes, it is the first budget I have actually my life. That explains why we are in the mess we was working great! until an unexpected even occured and extra fees were going to be coming out for hospital parking, food, can be adjusted of course, but here I had been staring at the one budget for days and had it memorized and now that all goes out the window. Sigh...we will survive.

I know most people are used to preparing and following budgets, but I am not. I found this great idea online today

How do you handle your budget (or do you even have one :-) )??

Monday, June 27, 2011


How goes it?

Things, they are a changin 'round here. We are sticking to a pretty tight budget, so, seems we cant spend and spend like we are so accustomed. Dangit! So, I am trying to get into meal planning, where I plan what we are having each night of the week. This way, I only purchase these things at the grocery store:

Here is what I have for this week:

Monday: Pork Chops, Some Veggie, Some Bread
Tuesday: Chicken Sandwiches Chips, Pickle Spears
Wednesday: Baked Chicken, Green Beans, Biscuits
Thursday: Tacos
Friday: Fish Sticks, Tator Tots
Saturday: BBQ
Sunday: Homeade Pizza

What are some of your favorites to make for dinner? I have a long list of options, but would love to hear some other ideas, we need all the help we can get!

I found some great links at

Monday, May 9, 2011

So, its been 100 years since I have posted. A million things have happened.

Anyway, for the boys birthdays we are getting them a little rodent pet...Haden will be getting a hamster and Christian will be getting a guinea pig (my fave!) Some people think I am crazy, but I clean up and feed so many other things, whats a few more right?

Funny guinea pig story I found in one of the blogs I read.

I hope to post a few pics from our scout campout this weekend, it was a good time! (for real)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Burning Down the House

So last week I left of discussing Snowmageddon and Valium.

I gave Christian 3 mls of valium before his dentist appt to get two cavities filled. Well, you could definitely tell he was more subdued....but he cried from the driveway to the dentists office because I wouldnt let him have a Pop Tart.
He was happy to be at the dentists office because they have video games, he was running around like nothing happened. He laid on the table fine, but then we wouldnt open his mouth.
Then I was able to bribe him with Pop Tarts and he then opened his mouth so they could look. When she started drilling, he started crying and quit cooperating.

So, I had to make another appt and I will give him a different medication because the Valium didnt work, sometimes it has the opposite effect and it makes them very emotional. Really? How can Valium not work on a 4 year old?

I know you are all wondering, did I complete my simple to do list for last week?

Here is what I had left:

Drop off all donate bags/boxes in back of truck: DONE!

Go to YMCA at least once: DID NOT HAPPEN.

Bring in surge protector to work - NOPE

Order pics from Tasha: NOPE

Buy card reader and burn photos: Yep!

Download video: didnt happen either.

So, Im not very good at getting things done, I dont think this is a big revelation, to myself or anyone else.

BUT, I did get the pics downloaded and shall post some in a post later on today.
And finally, today is my birthday. I am only 4 years away from 40 and Im not real sure what to do about that or how I should feel. I know I mentally dont feel 36 but physically sometimes feel like I am 85. So I guess I should be happy I have my health, family, yada yada. If I had a cake with candles, it would start a house fire.
Gifts are always accepted and appreciated...:-)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Just say No!

So, I thought I would check my goal list to see if I had accomplished everything on my list:

1. Prepare materials for Scouts to be able to put Blue and Gold Banquet invites together on Wednesday - I did this! Yah! Of course, scouts got cancelled, so they didnt put them together, but I had my part done!

2. Drop off all to donate Bags/Boxes in back of my truck - still in the back of my truck

3. Go to at least one class at YMCA at lunch this week.- didnt get this done and it isnt going to get done

4. Bring in surge protector for work so I can hook up my cup warmer. - could do this if I were going back into the office this week, but I didnt bring it in the beginning of the week.

5. Finally order pics for house/work frames from Tasha - nope

6. Buy a new card reader so I can upload pics to my computer...most go back way before Christmas. - crap, nope

7. Burn all videos from camcorder onto CD - nope again...

All of this is stuff I can do this evening and tomorrow, since Snowmaggedon is coming....

On another note, I just gave christian 3 mls of Valium in prep for his appt today to get cavities filled...this should be interesting....cant wait to see how it affects him, if at all...

Monday, January 31, 2011

Goals this Week

I hope to be able to check back in on Friday and cross these all off:

1. Prepare materials for Scouts to be able to put Blue and Gold Banquet invites together on Wednesday

2. Drop off all to donate Bags/Boxes in back of my truck

3. Go to at least one class at YMCA at lunch this week.

4. Bring in surge protector for work so I can hook up my cup warmer.

5. Finally order pics for house/work frames from Tasha

6. Buy a new card reader so I can upload pics to my computer...most go back way before Christmas.

7. Burn all videos from camcorder onto CD

Lets see if these simple goals can be completed this week.

On another note, this crazy right wing redneck passed her CHL (Concealed Handgun Class) this out!

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Saturday, January 1, 2011

I have a bunch of likes these last few days/weeks:

** Movies about Zombies - Zombies are becoming very popular in our house these days.

** The Wahlberg Family - Both Mark and Donnie...yumm

** My prospective YMCA membership - I have eaten and drank so much food in the last month, I am almost sick of eating anything....I am so bloated and have gained at least 7 pounds if not pants are tight much for the 20 lbs lost over the summer...

** Shows about hoarding - I have been watching Hoarders on A&E for a while now, and now they have a show on Animal Planet called "Animal Hoarders"...these shows motivate me to throw stuff away...I love it....